Cosmedica Blog:
Hair transplantation and hair loss

Frequently requested topics by our patients, the latest developments in hair transplantation, and everything about
Cosmedica & Dr. Acar are covered in our blogs.

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hair loss children

Hair Loss in Children

Hair loss in Children: the possible causes When children lose their hair and bald patches form, both the child and its parents can suffer greatly from anxiety. However, hair loss

male pattern baldness

The Reasons for Hair Loss

Overview It is normal to lose about 100 hairs a day. However, anything above this will eventually lead to visible hair loss. Hair loss can be due to a variety

good hair

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

I am considering a hair transplant. How long will it last? The short answer is that a high-quality hair surgical procedure should last for the rest of your life. This

hair loss children

Hair Loss in Children

Hair loss in Children: the possible causes When children lose their hair and bald patches form, both the child and its parents can suffer greatly

male pattern baldness

The Reasons for Hair Loss

Overview It is normal to lose about 100 hairs a day. However, anything above this will eventually lead to visible hair loss. Hair loss can

Cosmedica Blog:
Hair transplantation and hair loss

Frequently requested topics by our patients, the latest developments in hair transplantation, and everything about Cosmedica & Dr. Acar are covered in our blogs.

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Man taking a shower with hard water

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

Hard water is a common issue in many households. It contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium. But, does hard water cause hair

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Do Wigs Cause Hair Loss?

Wigs are a versatile and fashionable way to express yourself. They can add volume, length, and a touch of drama to your look. However, a