FUE hair transplant technique

People with thinning hair often suffer from psychological discomfort. A FUE hair transplant can help.
Man looking at receding hair in mirror

Nobody likes to lose hair. Hair loss often comes suddenly, and in many cases, hair growth does not return on its own. Skin diseases, burns, injuries, and, above all, genetic and hormonal hair loss (also called androgenetic alopecia) are the most common causes.

Hair loss can be distressing, affecting self-confidence and self-esteem. Thankfully, with advancements in medical science, FUE hair transplant offers a reliable solution to combat hair loss and achieve a fuller, natural-looking head of hair.

What is a FUE hair transplant?

A FUE hair transplant, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction, is a minimally invasive hair restoration procedure. This technique involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area (typically the back or sides of the head) with a micropunch.

The healthy follicular unit, also called a hair graft, forms the foundation for new hair growth. A follicular unit (graft) comprises up to 4 hairs. Human scalp hair does not usually grow from several scattered individual hairs but is arranged in these units.

These follicles are carefully selected based on their viability and then implanted into tiny incisions in the recipient area. The precision of this process ensures that the transplanted hair grows naturally and seamlessly with the existing hair. Unlike traditional strip harvesting methods like FUT, FUE does not leave a noticeable scar, leading to faster recovery and less discomfort.

For unknown reasons, hair in the donor area is resistant to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair loss, and this guarantees the treatment’s success.

Better than FUT?

Benefits of FUE hair transplants

FUE hair transplants offer numerous benefits, making them a popular choice for individuals seeking hair restoration solutions:

Natural-looking results: The transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the existing hair, providing a natural appearance.

Minimally invasive: FUE is a minimally invasive procedure, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring a quicker recovery time.

No visible scarring
: Unlike traditional methods, FUE leaves no linear scars, allowing patients to wear their hair short without concerns about visible scars.

Long-lasting results: The transplanted hair is permanent and will continue to grow naturally over time.

Fast recovery: Patients can return to regular activities within a few days after the procedure.

Increased self-confidence: FUE hair transplant restores a full head of hair, boosting self-confidence and improving overall well-being.

Who are good candidates?

Is a FUE hair transplant right for you?

A FUE hair transplant is an excellent option for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning due to various factors, including:

Male pattern baldness: The most common cause of hair loss in men, FUE can effectively address receding hairlines and thinning crowns.

Female pattern hair loss: Women experiencing hair thinning or patterned hair loss can also benefit from FUE hair transplant.

Scarring alopecia: FUE can help individuals with scarring alopecia caused by injury, surgery, or previous hair transplant methods.

Eyebrow and beard restoration: FUE is also used to restore eyebrows and facial hair for a more defined and youthful appearance.

The FUE hair transplant procedure

The FUE hair transplant procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. Consultation and evaluation
Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist – Dr. Levent Acar. During this session, he will evaluate your hair loss pattern, discuss your goals, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for a FUE hair transplant.

2. Donor area preparation
On the day of the procedure, the donor area (usually the back of the head) is trimmed to facilitate the extraction of hair follicles.

3. Local anesthesia
Before the extraction process begins, the recipient and donor areas are numbed using local anesthesia to ensure a painless experience.

Dr Acar in a consultation with a patient
A hair graft being held with a forceps

4. Follicle extraction
The surgeon carefully extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area using a specialized punch tool.

5. Incision and implantation
Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area, where the extracted hair follicles are meticulously implanted to achieve a natural hairline and optimal density.

6. Post-procedure care
After the procedure, you will receive instructions on post-operative care to ensure proper healing and the best results.

The recovery process

The recovery process following FUE hair transplant surgery is relatively straightforward, but following the post-operative care instructions we provide is essential. Here’s what you can expect during the recovery period:

Minimal discomfort: While some minor discomfort is normal, most patients experience only mild pain, which can be managed with prescribed medications.

Scabbing and shedding: The transplanted hair may form scabs within the first week after the procedure. These scabs will gradually shed, revealing new hair growth underneath.

Avoiding physical activities: It’s essential to avoid strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting for the first few weeks to prevent any damage to the transplanted follicles.

Hair growth timeline: The transplanted hair will typically grow within three to four months, with noticeable results appearing after six to eight months.

Follow-up appointments: You’ll have follow-up appointments with your hair restoration specialist to monitor progress and address any concerns during the recovery period.

Is a FUE hair transplant permanent?

A FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss.

The hair follicles selected for transplantation are genetically resistant to the hormone responsible for hair loss – Dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the transplanted hair retains its genetic characteristics and continues to grow naturally in the recipient area for the rest of the patient’s life.

It’s important to note that the transplanted hair may initially shed within a few weeks of the procedure, which is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. However, the hair follicles remain intact beneath the surface, and new hair growth typically begins within three to four months after the transplant. Over time, the hair becomes denser, providing a fuller and natural-looking head of hair.

Since the transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to hair loss, they are not affected by the same factors that caused hair loss in the first place. Thus, the results of a well-performed FUE hair transplant can be permanent, providing a long-term solution to hair loss and thinning.

However, if another type of hair loss, such as alopecia areata, is the cause, a hair transplant might not work as the follicles are damaged for other reasons.

This is why choosing a reputable and experienced hair restoration specialist for the FUE procedure is essential to ensure the best possible outcomes and long-lasting results. Regular follow-up appointments and proper post-operative care can further contribute to maintaining the success of the hair transplant and preserving the natural appearance of the transplanted hair over time.

Which is better: FUE or FUT?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) are two different hair transplant techniques, each with advantages and considerations. Let’s compare the two methods:


Follicular Unit Extraction

Advantages of FUE

No visible scarring: FUE leaves small, dot-like scars that are less noticeable, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer to keep their hair short.

Minimally invasive: FUE is less invasive than FUT, resulting in quicker healing and a reduced risk of complications.

Suitable for limited donor supply
: FUE allows for the extraction of individual follicles, making it a viable option for patients with limited donor hair.

Considerations for FUE

Time-consuming: FUE is a meticulous process that may require more time than FUT, particularly for extensive hair transplant sessions.

Higher cost: FUE hair transplant can be more expensive than FUT due to its labor-intensive nature.


Follicular Unit Transplantation

Advantages of FUT

More grafts in one session: FUT allows for the extraction of more grafts in a single session, making it suitable for patients requiring extensive hair restoration.

Lower cost: FUT is generally less expensive than FUE since it is a quicker procedure.

Considerations for FUT

Visible linear scar: FUT leaves a linear scar at the donor site, which can concern individuals who prefer shorter hairstyles.

Longer recovery: The recovery period for FUT may be slightly longer due to the strip removal.

Choosing the right method

Ultimately, the choice between FUE and FUT depends on various factors, such as the patient’s hair loss pattern, donor hair availability, personal preferences, and the recommendations of the hair restoration specialist.

Consulting with a qualified hair transplant surgeon is crucial to assess individual needs and determine the most suitable approach for the best possible results. FUE and FUT have provided excellent results for many patients, so the focus should be on selecting the method that aligns with your goals and ensures a successful hair restoration journey.

Be advised, however, that we do not carry out FUT hair transplants at Cosmedica.

Request a Free Consultation

Please contact us for your questions about hair transplantation in Turkey or to receive a free assessment for your hair loss. Our team of highly trained experts will provide you the necessary information.

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