Regenera Activa – High Tech Medicine Against Hair Loss

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The specially developed Regenera Activa procedure is the newest innovation in regenerative medicine. It uses progenitor cells from the patient’s scalp to reactivate hair growth and support existing hair follicles.

Male and female hereditary hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss, both in men and women. In androgenic alopecia, the hair roots become sensitive to the androgen DHT, which the body produces from the male hormone testosterone.

For men, male pattern baldness usually begins in the early twenties; a typical symptom is the receding hairline, which – slowly but surely – moves higher and higher. In women, androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness usually begins later, with the onset of menopause.

There is a relatively simple reason for this. Before menopause, the hormone estrogen keeps the testosterone present in the female body in check. With the onset of menopause, the hormonal balance in the body shifts.  

What is Regenera Activa?

Regenera Activa treatment

Regenera Activa is currently one of the most innovative and modern hair restoration treatments. Of course, Cosmedica Clinic also offers this treatment. It is based on autologous cell transplantation and stimulates the hair roots.

Patients who have just started experiencing hair loss due to hereditary causes make perfect candidates for this type of treatment. It suits both women and men. Allergy sufferers can also safely undergo the treatment since it does not involve any enzymes or chemical additives.

Usually, no special preparation is necessary. However, those who would like to undergo a Regenera Activa hair treatment should abstain from Minoxidil and painkillers for 10 days before the treatment.  

What does the procedure look like?

First, the medical team locally anesthetizes the scalp and then takes three skin samples, usually from behind one ear, each with a diameter of about 2.5 mm. They crush and filter the skin tissue using a specialized Regenera Activa microdermatome in a minimally invasive procedure.

What remains is a suspension containing the cells. The team then subcutaneously injects this highly concentrated plasma into the areas of the scalp experiencing hair loss. The growth factors inside the cells stimulate the follicles to form new hair while enhancing blood supply to the scalp.

As a result, the hair roots have an improved supply of nutrients and minerals. The wounds caused by the removal of the skin cells are not stitched, as they normally heal by themselves. In addition, there is no downtime; even washing your hair is possible again just one day after the treatment.

The effectiveness of Regenera Activa has already been proven in clinical studies. The treatment itself is relatively painless. Only the application of the local anaesthetic might be a bit painful. The suspension itself is injected into the scalp with microneedles.  

The treatment takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area. First results are already visible after 30 days, and after about six months you can look forward to better hair density and healthy hair. The Regenera Activa treatment lasts for about two to three years. There are no side effects.

For whom is the Regenera Activa treatment useful?

As mentioned above, Regenera Activa stem cell therapy makes sense if the hereditary hair loss is mild to moderate. If the hair loss is already advanced, a hair transplant in Turkey can provide better results.

To determine how far the hair loss has progressed and whether one is suitable for such treatment or should opt for a hair transplant surgery, the Cosmedica Clinic offers a free hair analysis.  

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