I’ve Booked My Hair Transplant in Turkey: What to Take With Me?

Elisa Chistyukhina
Elisa Chistyukhina
In this post

Travelling to Istanbul for a hair transplant

Istanbul, Turkey, has the highest concentration of hair transplant clinics in the world. Medical tourism is booming, as people travel here from all over the world for hair transplant procedures. Hair clinics in Turkey offer the best cost of hair transplant and the best-value hair transplant packages anywhere.
Turkish hair restoration clinics specialise in sapphire hair transplants. This includes Sapphire FUE hair transplant surgery. Cosmedica Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, is the leading provider of Sapphire DHI, the most modern hair transplant surgery on the market.

What should I take with me?

You have decided to have a hair transplant at Cosmedica Clinic, persuaded by the reasonable prices and Dr. Acar’s many years of experience. The flight is booked, and the suitcase is on the bed. But what should you fill it with? To help with this, we have prepared a packing list for a hair transplant in Turkey.
Istanbul, where Cosmedica Clinic is located, has a very balanced climate. In summer, the maximum temperatures are around 29 degrees. In winter, the thermometer only occasionally drops below zero in exceptional cases.
The hottest months are July and August. During this time, the water is also warm enough for swimming. However, you should be careful with this after your hair transplant. After the transplant you will need to take care of your new head of hair and protect it against the elements, as exposure can inhibit future hair growth.
Shorts or airy clothes are recommended during this time. At night, the temperature can drop to 18 degrees, so people who are sensitive to the cold should have a thin jacket in their luggage.
You should avoid wearing sun hats or getting too much sun on your scalp after the hair transplant. If the weather is hot, you should avoid direct sunlight for at least a few weeks after the operation.
In general, it rarely rains in Istanbul. Although the rainiest months, December and January, have an average of 18 rainy days, with 102 millilitres of rain there is not much rainfall compared to the UK or other northern countries in winter. Nevertheless, it will be useful to have a small umbrella with you. Directly after your hair transplant, you should avoid wearing a hood for the time being.
From April to June, as well as September and October, the weather is very even. The maximum temperatures are 17-15 during the day and rarely drop below 10 degrees at night. Sometimes it can be very windy, as Istanbul is right by the sea, so a windproof jacket is an advantage, but not essential.

Hair transplant in Istanbul

The cost of your hair transplant includes a shuttle service and three to four nights’ hotel accommodation. The hotel is in the immediate vicinity of the clinic, so you do not have to travel far.
There you will have your preliminary hair transplant consultation and the hair transplant operation, which can take up to 7 hours. For patients who need an exceptional number of hair grafts, it may also take place over two days. Then, there is the aftercare one day later, and possibly a hair washing session two days later. It depends on which treatment plan you have booked.
Since Cosmedica Clinic uses only the Sapphire FUE and Sapphire DHI methods, you will not have a large scar on the donor area after the hair transplant. Therefore, the healing process is much more minor and you will be completely mobile. Only immediately after the hair transplantation will you get a bandage around your head with a cap to protect you from accidental scratching.
As soon as you arrive at the hotel, you can remove the cap. However, the bandage should remain on your head until the next day. After that, you can take it off without any problems and go for a walk around the city.
Therefore, you should also include clothes for a walk around the city on your packing list for hair transplantation in Turkey. Good trainers are a must. A walk round the city is good for your recovery because it will stimulate blood flow and minimise contact between your head and chairs or beds.
It will also take your mind off the operation. Istanbul is a spectacular city with an incredible amount to see!

Packing list for hair transplant surgery in Turkey for women

  • Tops, blouses, or jackets that do not have to be pulled over the head. You want to avoid contact with the newly transplanted hairs. Also, if you pack summer dresses, make sure that they do not have to be pulled over your head.
  • In summer: shorts/skirts. In winter: long trousers. A word of preparation: If you are planning a city tour and want to visit any of Istanbul’s spectacular mosques, you must make sure that you wear long, light clothing, even in summer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed to enter.
  • 1 long-sleeved top for the day of the operation, that is alright to get dirty.
  • 1 pair of long, comfortable trousers and shoes for the visit to Cosmedica Clinic
  • Comfortable underwear, but no sports bras that must be pulled over your head!
  • Toilet bag. You do not need to buy shampoo for the care after the hair transplantation, this will be provided by the clinic.
  • Valid identity card or passport
  • Cash/credit card. Remember, the currency in Turkey is the Turkish Lira. The best rates of cash exchange are usually to be had in your home country. Most reputable places in Istanbul will take credit card, but not all.
  • Mobile phone/tablet/laptop and of course charging cables.
  • Headphones or earphones
  • Sunglasses
  • Books
  • Nightgown or pyjamas. Again, it is important that either the top buttons up or that the neckline is very large. You do not want to rub against your scalp after the transplant.

Packing list for a hair transplant in Turkey for men

  • Tops: preferably shirts that do not have to be pulled over your head, so the transplanted hair doesn’t get rubbed against. Loose-fitting T-shirts are also fine, so long as they fit comfortably over your head.
  • In summer: shorts; in winter: long trousers.
  • Comfortable long trousers and shoes for the day of the procedure.
  • A long top for the procedure, which may also get dirty.
  • Toilet bag. You do not need to buy shampoo for the care after the hair transplantation, this will be provided by the clinic.
  • Valid identity card or passport
  • Cash/credit card. Remember, the currency in Turkey is the Turkish Lira. The best rates of cash exchange are usually to be had in your home country. Most reputable places in Istanbul will take credit card, but not all.
  • Mobile phone/tablet/laptop and of course charging cables.
  • Headphones or earphones
  • Sunglasses
  • Books
  • Pyjamas. Again, it is important that either the top buttons up or that the neckline is very large. You do not want to rub against your scalp after the transplant.

What clothes should you wear during the procedure?

On the day of the procedure, your first choice should be comfortable clothing that you do not have to pull over your head. You will be sitting or lying down for up to seven hours, so nothing that is tight that will be uncomfortable to stay still in
It is also possible that, despite the precautions we take, some blood may get on your clothes, so you should choose clothes that you don’t mind getting a little dirty.
You should wear long-sleeved clothing even in the summer, as it can get cold quickly while lying still in the air-conditioned operating theatre. Although we have blankets available for you to wrap yourself in, it is more comfortable to be wrapped up warmly right from the start.

Say goodbye to hair loss

Find out about your hair transplant needs. The number of grafts, the best method for you. Click on the WhatsApp button to get a free consultation with Cosmedica Clinic’s Dr. Acar, the world’s leading Sapphire DHI practitioner. Unbeatable final results.

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