Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey – What Are the Advantages?

Elisa Chistyukhina
Elisa Chistyukhina
In this post
Hair transplant clinics in Turkey have become the number one option in the world for men and women seeking professional hair transplant procedures. Inform yourself about hair transplants in Turkey here.

Hair transplant clinics Turkey: overview

Turkish clinics are the world leaders in cost-effective, technologically advanced hair transplant procedures. They specialize in the most modern FUE hair transplants (Follicular Unit Extraction) techniques and cater to men and women. There is no better country to go to solve your hair loss problems.
Istanbul is the leading city in Turkey for these treatments, as it is the largest and most modern city in the country. There are more hair clinics in Istanbul than any other city in the world. As a result of this, the city offers unmatched competition on price and quality.
Clinics in Istanbul can offer the very best in treatments, and prices unmatched in the west. Nowhere are hair grafts more economical or carried out by people with more years of experience in the field of hair.

What methods are offered in Turkish hair transplant clinics?

Clinics in Turkey particularly specialize in the most modern methods, the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction) and the DHI hair transplant technique (Direct Hair Implantation). These techniques give the hair implants the best chance of success. In FUE and DHI hair surgery, the hair follicles are removed from the scalp individually.
This makes protects the hair grafts better and the donor areas are left unscarred. In FUE, the hair surgeon cuts hair canals in the scalp manually to plant the hair follicles. For DHI, a special DHI implanter pen allows the surgeon to do make the channels and implant the hair simultaneously.
These procedures are more expensive and time consuming than FUT, so they cost more. A transplant in Turkey allows patients to avoid the much higher costs that these cutting-edge technologies incur in other countries with comparable standards of care.
The most advanced clinics in Turkey offer new technologies rarely seen in other countries. Foremost amongst these are the Sapphire FUE and Sapphire DHI methods. These hair transplant surgery techniques use extra-fine cutting tools made of the precious stone sapphire, allowing better protection of the transplanted hairs and quicker healing of the scalp incisions.
In extreme cases body hair transplants can also be used if the donor areas do not provide enough hair grafts. The best hair clinics in Turkey offer world beating technology at prices unmatched by clinics in other countries.
Turkey is also a world-leading country for other types of hair transplant, such as beard transplantation and eyebrow transplants. People travel here from around the world for high quality hair-related cosmetic surgery.
Turkish hair transplant surgeons offer the full range of modern hair transplant techniques. As in other countries, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is offered widely, although many patients feel that the scars left on the donor area of the scalp by this technique are a disadvantage.

Are hair transplants in Turkey safe?

The best Turkish hair clinics offer world-class safety standards. Standing among the best, Cosmedica has many years of experience and the most highly trained medical team.  Additionally, our technology safety procedures conform to the highest standards of practice, bringing motivation and expertise to every time we perform a hair transplantation.

Of course, there are poor-quality clinics in Turkey, in common with every country in the world. The cheapest clinics may compromise on safety or might not use the most modern technology. It pays to choose your clinic carefully.
The best clinics offer the most modern techniques, professional and positive communication, and unbeatable care. You should take advantage of free consultations with hair surgeons to get a feel for a clinic and its ethos.
A great advantage of Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, is that you can take advantage of these world leading standards of care and safety at low prices. Nowhere else offers this combination of price and quality. This means you can afford to be selective in your choice of hair clinic in Turkey. Only choose the best. Why would you risk anything else?
Dr. Acar at Cosmedica clinic stands ready to impress you with his expertise in a free consultation. Cosmedica clinic is proud to announce that it conforms to world class safety standards. We have boast international accreditations, awards, and certificates of excellence. Our safety record in FUE transplant and DHI transplant is second to none.

Discover Turkey’s Beauty

Medical tourism does not just have to be medical. Aside from being the hair transplant capital of the world, Turkey is a fantastic country. You will experience our famed hospitality and will be able to explore our most historic city, Istanbul. The bridge between Europe and Asia, Istanbul offers unparalleled sightseeing experiences, friendly people, and all the most modern facilities.
Istanbul was the capital of the Roman Empire for over 1000 years, between 330 and 1453. Then it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 500 years, until 1922.
Today, it is the biggest and richest city in Turkey. It has incredible architecture, mosques, palaces, ruins, and bazars. Istanbul straddles the world-famous Bosphorus Strait which separates Asia from Europe.
It is one of the great destinations in the world. A good hair transplant clinic will see you staying in one of the best hotels in the city, so you can combine your new head of hair with a relaxing and memorable experience.

Book a free consultation with Dr. Acar and start planning your trip to Istanbul Turkey. Save money, experience a magnificent city, and revitalize your life with a full head of hair.

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