The Advantages of the DHI Hair Transplant Method

Picture of Elisa Chistyukhina
Elisa Chistyukhina
In this post
As Cosmedica Clinic, we also offer DHI hair transplantation services to our patients. Let’s take a closer look at this method.

What is different about DHI?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation technique is a further development of FUE hair transplantation. Hair follicles, the same as in the classic FUE, are transferred to the areas of hair loss with the help of micromotors. The difference of the DHI hair transplant technique compared to other techniques starts at this point.
The special technique used in the DHI hair transplantation uses the help of latest technologies. The first goal in this technique is to perform a lifelong-guaranteed hair transplant without using a scalpel or suture and opening a hole in the scalp. This latest revolutionary technique eliminates the use of scalpels.

The advantages of DHI

As this procedure can be completed in a single session, it is possible to have a more natural looking and hair with greater volume.
The main difference in the application of the technique is the use of improved implanter pen. Grafts are taken with a surgical pen, ranging between 0.6 mm and 1 mm, and transported to the recipient area. There is no other surgery on the scalp.
This technique, which requires more attention, precision, and skill than other methods, offers many advantages to our hair transplant patients.
Thanks to the implanter pen, hair transplants are made faster than ever. Because no stitches and scalpels are used, there is no visible scar after the healing process is complete.
Another advantage is better control over the graft placement (angles and depth of the planted grafts) and better graft survival rates thanks to the better graft placement.

Start a new stage in life

In the direct hair implant technique, local anesthesia is applied to eliminate pain. Recovery time is quick and patients can rapidly get on with their lives, confident in their new head of hair.
For your free and no commitment consultation, contact Cosmedica Clinic today.
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