Hair Transplant in Winter

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We are an international team dedicated to providing the best hair transplant care. Our goal is to inform and educate people worldwide about hair loss and treatments.
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The ideal time to have a hair transplant

Receding hairline, and increasingly thinning hair at the back of the head. These are the telltale signs of male pattern baldness. The only remedy that provides permanent relief is a hair transplant. A procedure that is becoming increasingly popular among women and men. But when is the right time – the ideal season – to have a hair transplant?

There is no one ideal time of year for everyone to undergo the procedure. But there are advantages to having a hair transplant in winter. We would like to examine these in more detail below.

1. Final results in summer

If you have your hair transplanted in winter, you can already enjoy your new hair in summer. As a rule of thumb, the grafts, i.e. the follicles in which the hair roots are located, need about three months to form new hairs. After the procedure, they go directly into the resting phase, which is why the freshly transplanted hairs fall out at first.

After about six months, most of the hair has grown back. So if you have a hair transplant in December, for example, you can already shine with your new hair in June. Just in time for the end of the year, the transplanted hairs are no longer distinguishable from the natural ones.

2. Less sweat = better healing process

In the worst case, sweat can irreparably damage the freshly transplanted grafts. That is why it is so important to avoid sports, especially in the first period after a hair transplant.

In summer, we sometimes sweat without doing much. This is because our metabolism tries to keep our body at the ideal temperature. If you sweat a lot, there is a risk that the freshly transplanted grafts will be washed right out again, so to speak.

In addition, the wounds that remain after such an operation can become inflamed. Although these are small – until they have healed – there is still a risk of inflammation.

In winter, this risk is much lower. Moreover, the healing process can be much more pleasant. One is certainly not tempted to visit the open-air swimming pool to cool down in sub-zero temperatures. The only thing you will have to abstain from are saunas, unfortunately.

3. Wearing a hat is normal

Understandably, no one wants to present their head in public when they just had a hair transplant. The scalp is still very red and covered with scabs up to 14 days after the procedure. This is part of the healing process.

In addition, in most cases, the hair is cut extremely short or even shaved off. This is because when the hair is transplanted using the FUE technique, the hair must be shaved, as the follicles are taken directly from the donor area and reinserted into the recipient area.

Thus, most patients wear a head covering for at least a few weeks after the procedure. In summer, this might be noticeable, especially if you’ve previously given baseball caps or fishing caps a wide berth. In winter, it is not noticeable at all.

However, especially immediately after the procedure, you should avoid putting on a cap that is too tight. Otherwise, there is a risk that the grafts will be damaged. They are extremely sensitive in the first few weeks after the procedure.

Why a hair transplant in Turkey in winter?

A hair transplant in Turkey has two major advantages – firstly, the price and secondly, the climate. In the first place, there are the affordable prices. Even the state-of-the-art DHI Sapphire method is affordable in the country on the Bosphorus.

By using the DHI implanter (a special implanting pen), the grafts are inserted in a protected manner. Thus, the growth rate is increased again, and the hair growth direction can be precisely maintained. The hair canals are opened with a special micro Sapphire blade. The incisions made with this blade are smaller and much more precise than those made with a regular scalpel. This shortens the healing time even more.

The climate is another reason to have the procedure done there even in the colder season. The climate in Turkey in winter is somewhat milder and more pleasant than in the UK, for example, so you don’t have to worry about wearing thick hats.