Micro Sapphire DHI Hair Transplant

Micro Sapphire DHI is the world’s most modern hair transplant technique. Cosmedica Clinc and Dr. Levent Acar are Turkey’s leading practitioners.

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What is Micro Sapphire DHI?

Dr. Acar at Cosmedica Clinic has developed Micro Sapphire DHI, the most advanced and successful method of hair transplantation in Turkey and the world today.

A Micro Sapphire DHI hair transplant involves using specialized and ultra-thin blades made from sapphire crystal to implant hair follicles.

Advantages of Micro Sapphire
DHI hair transplants

Extremely precise incisions

The micro sapphire blade makes the incisions much thinner and more precise.

Accelerated healing process

Smaller incisions heal faster, hurt less, and have a lower risk of infection.

360° protection

Sapphire DHI Implantation provides full protection for hair grafts during transplantation.

Natural and better density

99% success rate of hair grafts means thicker hair and a natural-looking hairline.

Stages of a Micro Sapphire DHI hair transplant:

A DHI Implanter Pen


1. Follicular Unit Extraction

Similar to the Sapphire FUE method, hair follicles are harvested from the donor area one by one using advanced micromotors. Different types of punches are used depending on the hair types, whether they are European, Asian, or Afro.

2. Sapphire incisions

The sapphire microblade opens up hair canals. The cuts are more accurate and precise than with traditional steel tools. The risk of tissue damage and trauma is minimized, and the healing process is faster.

3. DHI implanter pen

The grafts are implanted into the recipient area. The advanced Choi implanter pen provides full protection for delicate hair grafts.

Micro Sapphire DHI vs. Sapphire FUE

The choice between Micro Sapphire DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) depends on individual preferences, hair loss patterns, and desired outcomes.

Both hair transplant procedures offer unique advantages, and what may be considered “better” can vary from person to person. Let’s explore the key differences and benefits of each method to help you make an informed decision:

State-of-the-art technique

Micro Sapphire DHI

Technique: Micro Sapphire DHI is an advanced variation of the DHI method. The main difference is the use of Micro Sapphire blades to create incisions before implanting the grafts.

Sapphire blades: Like Sapphire FUE, Micro Sapphire DHI uses Sapphire blades to create small and precise incisions. However, the Sapphire blade is even finer in this technique, hence the name Micro Sapphire.

Advantages: It provides more control and precision during the implantation process, leading to natural-looking and densely packed results. It also minimizes the handling of hair follicles, which may enhance graft survival. Micro Sapphire blade incisions heal even faster than regular Sapphire incisions.

Tried & tested

Sapphire FUE

Technique: In Sapphire FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a microsurgical punch tool. The surgeon creates tiny incisions to collect hair follicles one by one. The extracted follicles are then precisely transplanted into the recipient area.

Sapphire Blades: Sapphire FUE utilizes specially designed Sapphire blades to make incisions during the extraction process. These blades have a V-shaped cross-section, which aids in creating small and precise incisions, resulting in less trauma to the scalp and quicker healing.

Advantages:It is a minimally invasive procedure with no linear scarring, making it suitable for those who prefer to wear short hair. It has faster recovery compared to the traditional FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. There is also a reduced risk of complications and post-operative discomfort.

Which technique is better?

While Sapphire FUE is well-established and widely used, Micro Sapphire DHI is a newer and innovative method that builds upon the benefits of the traditional DHI hair transplant with the added precision of Sapphire blades. It may suit those seeking maximum density and natural hair growth.

Ultimately, the best approach is to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon who can assess your needs and recommend the most suitable technique based on your case.

How much does a Micro Sapphire DHI hair transplant cost?

When considering any medical procedure, it’s essential to weigh the associated costs and the availability of the treatment. The same goes for Micro Sapphire DHI hair transplants. While the benefits and advantages of this procedure have been discussed in previous sections, it is crucial to assess whether it is an affordable and accessible option for those seeking a hair loss solution.

The cost of a Micro Sapphire DHI hair transplant can vary depending on several factors, such as the extent of hair loss, the number of grafts required, and the reputation and expertise of the clinic or surgeon performing the procedure. Generally, this type of hair transplant can range from $5,000 to $15,000 in the United States and other Western nations.

The availability of Micro Sapphire DHI is also a crucial consideration. Only some clinics or surgeons offer this specific technique, as it requires specialized training and equipment. While the cost may seem high, the long-term benefits and increased self-confidence that can come with a successful hair transplant may outweigh the initial investment.

At Cosmedica, we are happy to offer our patients all-inclusive Micro Sapphire DHI packages for as little as 2990€. What makes hair transplants, including the Micro Sapphire DHI technique, so affordable in Turkey is a combination of various economic, medical, and geographical factors, such as lower operating costs, a favorable exchange rate, government support, competition among clinics, a large number of procedures carried out and more.

A FUE hair transplant, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction, is a minimally invasive hair restoration procedure. This technique involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area (typically the back or sides of the head) with a micropunch.

The healthy follicular unit, also called a hair graft, forms the foundation for new hair growth. A follicular unit (graft) comprises up to 4 hairs. Human scalp hair does not usually grow from several scattered individual hairs but is arranged in these units.

These follicles are carefully selected based on their viability and then implanted into tiny incisions in the recipient area. The precision of this process ensures that the transplanted hair grows naturally and seamlessly with the existing hair. Unlike traditional strip harvesting methods like FUT, FUE does not leave a noticeable scar, leading to faster recovery and less discomfort.

For unknown reasons, hair in the donor area is resistant to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair loss, and this guarantees the treatment’s success.

Request a Free Consultation

Please contact us for your questions about hair transplantation in Turkey or to receive a free assessment for your hair loss. Our team of highly trained experts will provide you the necessary information.

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