A Complete Guide to Mustache Transplant: What to Expect

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In the world of hair transplants, facial hair is often ignored. However, it very often plays a significant role in defining one’s appearance. Maybe you are aiming for the well-groomed aesthetic. Or maybe just a rugged look. With the right facial features, a mustache can look regal. However, not everyone is blessed with a full beard. But no worries! A mustache transplant can be the perfect solution for you.

In this article, let’s dive into what a mustache transplant is, the common questions you might have and how you can get one. Hint, it’s easier than you might think!

Can You Get a Hair Transplant on Your Mustache?

First thing’s first. A mustache transplant is absolutely possible. The procedure falls within the category of facial hair transplantation. It involves extraction and implantation of facial hair follicles. In that way, it’s actually pretty similar to scalp hair transplants. Doctors usually recommend a mustache hair transplant for individuals who have uneven or sparse mustaches due to genetics or other factors.

Mustache Thinning Causes That Can Be Treated with a Transplant

Beard and mustache transplant consultation

There are several reasons for thinning of the mustache. But let’s look at some of the reasons that can be treated with a mustache or beard transplant


Heredity is one of the most common causes for sparse mustache growth. If family members share similar facial hair patterns, they likely inherited those traits. Here, a mustache transplant can fill in the gaps and create a more uniform appearance. 

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalance is another common cause of mustache thinning. Low testosterone levels can cause facial or beard hair thinning. In this case, the underlying cause must be treated first. After you achieve a balanced level of hormones, a transplant can counteract hormonal deficiency effects. 


Any injuries to the upper lip can disrupt natural mustache hair growth. A transplant can potentially cover any burns, scars or other forms of injuries.

Medical Conditions 

Some medical conditions can cause patchy hair loss across the human body. For example, alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition can attack facial hair follicles. It can therefore cause hair loss in the mustache. A mustache transplant can help restore the hair in affected areas. However, the treatment of alopecia is necessary before commencing the hair restoration procedure.

How Is a Mustache Transplant Performed?

A mustache transplant procedure is clinically identical to a scalp hair transplant procedure. Let’s look at how specialists perform a mustache transplant:


You will first have a consultation session with your doctor. This session is mainly about taking your medical history, and understanding your expectations. The surgeon will also examine your facial features, and current hair condition. They will also provide you with realistic expectations for your transplant. Therefore, this initial consultation is very important for the next steps of your journey. At Cosmedica Clinic, you will also receive a hair analysis before the procedure.

Harvesting Hair Follicles

Mustache hair transplant generally uses the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method. The surgeon harvests hair follicles from the donor area. In this case, the donor areas are usually the back or sides of the scalp. Cosmedica Clinic, for example, uses a very precise 0.7 mm diameter microneedle for maximum precision. That is because the hair grafts in these areas are less prone to hair loss. Therefore, your beard or mustache transplant has a high chance of survival.

Preparation of Grafts

The team is now ready to prepare the follicular units taken from the donor sites. The surgeon carefully inspects them under a microscope and ensures that they are suitable for transplant procedure.


After preparing the hair grafts, the surgeon prepares the recipient area, in this case, the upper lip. They then create tiny incisions in the upper lip which follows the natural growth pattern of mustache hair. The hair follicles are implanted into these incisions. The patient usually benefits from a local anesthetic. 

Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure is done, every patient is given detailed aftercare instructions. Following the post operative care instructions is crucial to ensure optimal hair growth. After the postoperative period, the initial results can be visible as early as two months.

How Many Grafts Do You Need for a Mustache Transplant?

Beard and mustache transplant before and after

The number of grafts you might need for mustache transplant depends on your individual facial hair goals. On average, patients need between 300-500 transplanted hair grafts to achieve their desired facial hair. However, the exact number may vary. The condition of the recipient area, your facial features and the characteristics of donor hair is very important in this regard. If you have a patchy or sparse mustache, you might need a higher number of grafts to create a natural look. On the other hand, if you want a more subtle look, even less than 300 grafts may suffice. 

How many grafts you might need will also depend on the quality of donor hair. High quality donor hair with healthy follicles can ensure a more natural appearance. Thus, you might not need as many grafts.

How Much Does a Mustache Transplant Cost?

The cost of a mustache transplant can vary widely. It depends on the number of required grafts, expertise of the surgeon and geographical location. In western countries, the price typically ranges from €2000 to €3000. However, in Turkey, the restoration procedures are more affordable. For example, Cosmedica Clinic offers affordable hair transplant prices in Turkey with state of the art transplant procedures due to its geographical location.

Mustache Transplant Risks and Side Effects

A mustache hair transplant is considered a minor surgical procedure. However, the transplant still carries its own set of risks, including:

Shock Loss

Hair in the donor area or the recipient area may shed a little after the procedure. This is known as shock loss. The hair typically grows back within a few months.


One of the most common hair transplant side effects is swelling. As you recover from your procedure, you might experience some swelling. Due to the surgery, it takes some time to adjust but the swelling usually subsides within 3-4 days.


Without proper care after surgery, infections may occur. However, it can be treated with antibiotics.


Although rare, you may experience some minor scarring with Follicular Unit Extract (FUE).

Who is Not a Good Candidate for a Mustache Transplant?

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a mustache transplant. If you do not have sufficient donor hair, the transplant procedure will not be successful. People with certain medical conditions might also be disqualified. For example, if you have any condition that may affect blood circulation, it may disqualify you as a candidate. Therefore, it is crucial to have an understanding of your own medical history and have realistic expectations for this type of transplants.

Alternatives to a Mustache Transplant

There are some non surgical options that might be a good alternative to mustache transplant:

  1. Mesotherapy uses topical treatment like minoxidil or hair serum along with a derma roller to stimulate facial growth.
  2. Treatment of underlying nominal issues can promote new hair growth.
  3. Some people use makeup or temporary tattoos to imitate the look of a fuller mustache.

How to Choose the Right Clinic for a Mustache Transplant?

A mustache transplant can help people achieve their desired facial hair density. For men struggling with facial hair loss, a fuller mustache can significantly boost self-confidence and improve self-image. Also as a permanent solution,  the transplant works as a one time investment for a lifetime of facial hair.

That is why it is crucial to choose the right clinic. The most important is a surgeon with many years of experience. The more experienced the attending doctor is, the more certain you are of a satisfactory result after the transplant.

At Cosmedica Clinic, under the expertise of Dr. Levent Acar, patients can expect exceptional results, and personalized care. For more information, visit Cosmedica’s website and explore their range of  before and after results.

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