Afro-hair transplant surgeries can be complicated, which is why you must seek out an experienced professional. An inexperienced surgeon may damage neighboring hair roots during follicle removal because afro hair roots twist and curl, sometimes touching each other.
Also, when carrying out a hair transplant for afro hair, the angle of implantation is critical to preserve the curly nature of the hair. Otherwise, it won’t retain its natural kinky, curly appearance after healing.
At Cosmedica Clinic, you needn’t worry about any of these. All hair transplant operations are carried out by Dr. Levent Acar, a skilled professional with years of experience. Dr. Levent Acar uses the DHI Sapphire and FUE Sapphire methods for his patients.
The DHI Micro Sapphire method is a highly technical and involves using a very sharp and fine scalpel made of precious Sapphire gemstone to make the incisions. This method allows for smaller incisions and less scarring, speeding up the healing process. Dr. Acar uses this method successfully to preserve the naturally curly nature of afro hair.
So, if you’re seeking a professional hair clinic to get an afro hair transplant in Turkey, then Cosmedica is just right for you.