Hair Transplant in Summer

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Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular as cosmetic surgery procedures. However, one question that is asked repeatedly is: “Can I have a hair transplant in the summer – or should I wait until the temperatures get a bit cooler again?”  

There is no one right time for a hair transplant. The dream of a full head of hair can be fulfilled in summer as well as in winter. The important thing is that you generally feel ready for the procedure if you want to have a hair transplant.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a hair transplant in summer

In winter, you can still cleverly hide an incipient bald spot – whether you are a woman or a man – under a cap or a scarf. In summer, this is no longer quite so easy. On the other hand, the summertime is often calmer than, for example, the stressful wintertime, when there are a thousand different things to do, such as buying Christmas presents. 

In principle, there is no reason not to have a hair transplant in the summer. There are also some advantages. For example, crusts and redness disappear more quickly in the summer because the skin’s ability to regenerate increases. This is mainly due to increased blood circulation. In addition, hair grows faster when it is warmer. 

Nevertheless, some basic rules should be observed, especially in the post-operative phase. The freshly transplanted hair is extremely sensitive.

What rules should be observed after a hair transplant in summer?

Immediately after the procedure, protecting the scalp from UV radiation is extremely important to achieve an optimal result with a hair transplant. This is because direct UV light can damage the freshly transplanted grafts (follicular unit of the graft) and have a negative effect on the healing process.

As a result, the hair may not grow as you had hoped. For this reason, you should wear a light-fitting fisherman’s hat that does not lie tightly on the scalp, especially during the first 14 days after the operation. Many clinics – especially in Turkey – even hand out such a hat to the patient as a service. 

The sensitive scalp should continue to be protected from direct sunlight after 14 days because it can take some time until the dark pigments that protect against sunburn have formed. Of course, you may stay in cooler rooms, i.e. air-conditioned rooms. However, sunbathing in the blazing sun should be avoided for about three months. Besides UV light, sweat is also harmful to the freshly transplanted grafts. 

But: Having a hair transplant in summer always depends on where you have the procedure done. In countries like Saudi Arabia or Australia with extremely high temperatures in summer, it is better to wait until winter. Excessive heat has a negative effect on wound healing. 

Combine hair transplantation with a holiday

Full hair does not have to remain a dream, even for people on a smaller budget. Hair transplants in Turkey are available at relatively affordable prices.

For example, Dr Levent Acar’s Cosmedica Clinic offers all-inclusive prices that depend on the number of grafts to be transplanted. Moreover, the clinic is located in Istanbul, one of the main European travel destinations. So it makes sense to combine the hair transplantation with a few days’ holidays.